[BOJ 17167] A Plus Equals B
https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/17167 17167번: A Plus Equals B In the first line, print a single integer $n$ ($0 \le n \le 5\,000$) denoting the number of steps. In the next $n$ lines, print one of the following strings to denote your desired operation: A+=A, A+=B, B+=A, B+=B. Any sequence of steps that yields the www.acmicpc.net - 문제 요약 두 정수 A와 B가 입력으로 주어집니다.A와 B를 똑같이 만들어야 하며, 만드는 과정 중에는 아래의 4가지..
2023.05.06 -
[BOJ 27560] Moo Route
https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/27560 27560번: Moo Route Farmer Nhoj dropped Bessie in the middle of nowhere! At time $t=0$, Bessie is located at $x=0$ on an infinite number line. She frantically searches for an exit by moving left or right by $1$ unit each second. However, there actually is no exit and after $T www.acmicpc.net - 문제 요약 Farmer Nhoj는 Bessie를 외딴 길에 떨어뜨려놨습니다. Bessie의 현재 시간은 t=0초이고, 현..
2023.02.27 -
[BOJ 26974] Range Reconstruction
https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/26974 26974번: Range Reconstruction Bessie has an array $a_1, \ldots, a_N$, where $1 \leq N \leq 300$ and $0 \leq a_i \leq 10^9$ for all $i$. She won't tell you $a$ itself, but she will tell you the range of each subarray of $a$. That is, for each pair of indices $i \leq j$, Bessie tells you www.acmicpc.net - 문제 요약 Bessie에게는 a1, ... , aN의 배열이 있습니다. (1